Important Dates to Remember in Paparazzi Accessories.

In any business. there are important RECURRING dates that are vital for the business.  For example, payroll, bill due dates, and monthly meetings to name a few.

In Network Marketing, specifically Paparazzi Accessories is no different. Here are the IMPORTANT DATES to remember.

The 5s of a month are vital and an easy way to remember!!

❤️ ON the  5th of every month, Fashion fix is released for ordering.


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❤️ On the 10th of the month, Rank and Recognition become official.

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❤️ On the 15th of the Month,  Life of the Party Exclusives are released for ordering.

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❤️ So many AMAZING things happen on the 20th of every month.  First,  COMMISSIONS are paid out!.. Woohoo!! If you have decided to build a team or have received website sales,  this income will be deposited into the bank account you have provided Paparazzi.

❤️ Next,  Monthly subscriptions for Fashion Fix are billed. If you are promoting the FREE website Paparazzi gives, you to receive sales or you have been diligently working to build a team. The subscription cost will be covered by the deposits just mentioned.

❤️ Lastly, on the 20th of every month, those that are not on the Fashion fix subscription (IF you are not on Fashion Fix, YOU SHOULD BE)  that were not able to order on the 5th, will have access to order pieces from what is left. Honestly, typically many pieces are sold out, so it is vital you get early access.

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